Author: Editorial Board
SPA endorses Claudia De La Cruz and Karina Garcia
SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA MEMBERSHIP UNANIMOUSLY VOTE TO ENDORSE CLAUDIA DE LA CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT AND KARINA GARCIA FOR VICE PRESIDENT. In 1920, Lenin wrote in “Leftism: An Infantile Disorder” that participation in elections is obligatory for revolutionaries, specifically for the purpose of educating the working class; a necessary step in awakening the masses. This…
On Starbucks Workers United Organizing Efforts
The Socialist Party of America exists to awaken and empower American workers, regardless of their personal ideologies or field of work. This has always been our primary mission and concern. Historically, the Socialist Party of America took a central role in early 20th century strikes and organizing. In the strike wave of 1909, the Triangle…
Statement on Ukraine
The global fight against imperialism is manifesting physically in Ukraine. While NATO forces bend their own rules and sneak supplies to what remains of the Ukrainian forces, US Congress proposes sending $6.4 billion in weapons and other aid during a failed domestic pandemic response at home. Ukraine’s representative to the UN is asking for negotiations…